Saturday, February 25, 2012

So this novel is a lot harder then I thought. I have done weeks on research to establish characters but every time I sit down to put it into a story, my brain just shuts off. It just seems like such a monumental task. Despite the hours I have put into it, I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere in terms of character development or cohesive narrative content. It's frustrating. Maybe my mom was right. seems too late to give up now. I have never been a quitter. I think I'm going to put it on the back burner for a while.
On a more positive note, I got a job as a barista at a coffee shop down the street. It is actually a lot of fun. However, it is a SERIOUS pay cut from my desk job that I quit last month. I like to think of it as temporary though. It gets a little exhausting to wait on customers hand and foot. I have a $40,000 a year education and I would like to put it to use. I was getting paid fairly well at my other job but it wasn't for me. I need space to be creative. Unfortunately, creative isn't a career. Heck, it's not even a job. I'm at a serious transition phase and I don't see an end in sight.
Sadly, I stopped talking to Danny as much. Things kind of fizzled out after I told him that I wanted to be a novelist. We met for dinner once last week and coffee a few times this week, but he is so career driven that he can't understand some of my decisions. He works as an investment banker. Sounds totally boring to me. I guess we just think differently. It was really refreshing to have an honest relationship with someone. Although, I think we are better off as friends.
Speaking of friends, I've started hanging out with a couple people from the coffee shop. They know a lot more people in the area and have started bringing me out to the bars. Andrea and Brian are about my age and both graduated from Emerson 2 years ago. They have been friends for a while and I have a funny feeling that Brian is in love with Andrea. As far as I can tell, she has no idea. Sort of cute! I feel bad for Brian though, Andrea has a tendency to drag him around with her and says he is her BFF. The term BFF makes me sick for some reason. It sounds so lame, I don't know how he puts up with it. Anyway, I am going out to a new bar with them tonight to meet up with some people. I'm a little nervous but I have been doing a lot better at telling the truth to people, especially strangers.

Got to get ready--


1 comment:

  1. I am assuming this is a lot for an education. We have school here, but it's nearly charity. Mi madre says it's only those women left that can feel their heart beat hard enough they can rattle enough energy together and bestow any such wisdom upon 'us' children. It is great to meet amigos in this time in our world. Lately, I'm not sure what world I am in anymore.
